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HKUL > Digital Initiatives > Exambase
Total number of hits starting with letter L is 179, and record(s) 1 to 50 are:  
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 0 to 9   
LANG1002French I.2
LANG1004German 1.2
LANG1005French 1.2
LANG1006German 1
LANG1008Italian 1.2
LANG1009Italian I
LANG1011Spanish 1. 2
LANG1013Spanish 1
LANG1039Spanish language I.2
LANG2001French language- 2.1
LANG2002French language and culture- 2.2
LANG2004German II.1
LANG2005Landeskunde 1 (area studies 1)
LANG2006Landeskunde 2 (area studies 2)
LANG2007French II
LANG2008Ubersetzungsubung I (Translation exercise I)
LANG2009German II
LANG2010Italian II
LANG2011Spanish II
LANG2013Intermediate French - Part 2
LANG2017Intermediate Italian - Part 2
LANG2020Landeskunde Deutschland (German Area Studies)
LANG2022Thai II
LANG2023Swedish II
LANG2024Portuguese II
LANG2052Arabic II
LANG3001French language - III.1
LANG3002French language and culture - 3.2
LANG3003French/english translation: practical skills- 3.3
LANG3004French/Chinese translation : Practical skills - 3.4
LANG3005French and business - 3.5
LANG3006French III
LANG3007German III.1
LANG3008Lekturekurs (reading course)
LANG3009Auszuge aus der deutschen literatur (Extracts from German literature)
LANG3011German III
LANG3012Italian III
LANG3013Spanish III
LANG3017Deutsch 3 - Part 2
LANG3021Advanced Spanish - Part 2
LANG3023Ubersetzungsubung II (Translation exercise II)
LANG3024Thai III
LANG3025Swedish III
LANG3026Portuguese III
LANG3049Arabic III
LCOM1001Introduction to language and communication
LCOM2003Language and politeness
LIFE1002Life sciences I
LIFE1201Life sciences I
LIFE2004Life sciences III (Physiology)
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