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HKUL > Digital Initiatives > Exambase
Total number of hits starting with letter E is 769, and record(s) 501 to 550 are:  
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 0 to 9   
ELEC6057Power system planning
ELEC6058Power transmission
ELEC6061Advanced microprocessor systems
ELEC6062Scalable parallel computing
ELEC6063Optoelectronics and lightwave technology
ELEC6064Advanced topics in microelectronics
ELEC6065Data compression
ELEC6066Advanced topics in power system engineering
ELEC6067Magnetic sensors and instruments for medical imaging
ELEC6069Multimedia storage systems
ELEC6070Cryptography and network security
ELEC6071Wireless networking
ELEC6073Advanced digital communications
ELEC6074Stochastic processes
ELEC6076Space-time wireless communications
ELEC6077CMOS analogue integrated circuit design
ELEC6078Electronics commerce
ELEC6080Telecommunications systems and management
ELEC6081Biomedical signals and systems
ELEC6082Convex programming and applications
ELEC6083Computer vision and applications
ELEC6084Power delivery management for metropolitan cities
ELEC6085The role of a computerized SCADA system in power system operation
ELEC6086Mobile commerce
ELEC6087Wireless data network standards
ELEC6090Energy saving lighting
ELEC6092Green project management
ELEC6095Smart grid
ELEC6096Clean electrical energy and smart-grids for buildings
ELEC6097IP networks
ELEC6098Electronic commerce and mobile commerce
ELEC6099Wireless communications and networking
ELEC6100Digital communications
ELEC6103Satellite communications
ELEC6601Industrial marketing
ELEC6602Business venture in China
ELEC6603Success in industrial entrepreneurship
ELEC6604Neural networks,fuzzy systems and genetic algorithms
ELEC7002Digital signal processing II
ELEC7012Power systems practicum
ELEC7013Leadership in future energy industry
ELEC7029Analog IC design computing and memories
ELEC7073Digital communications III
ELEC7077Advanced topics in multimedia signals and systems
ELEC7078Advanced topics in electrical and electronic engineering
ELEC7079Investment and trading for engineering students
ELEC7080Algorithmic trading and high frequency trading
ELEC7083Distributed systems
ELEC7084Advanced database
ELEC7101Quantum computing
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