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HKUL > Digital Initiatives > Exambase
Total number of hits starting with letter E is 769, and record(s) 601 to 650 are:  
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 0 to 9   
EMEE6005Renewable energy technology I: Fundamental
EMEE6006Renewable energy technology II: Advanced
EMEE6007Energy and carbon audit
EMEE6008Green project management
EMEE6009Green facilities management
EMEE6010Electricity quality and energy efficiency
EMEE6011Energy saving lighting
EMEE7013Leadership development in future energy systems management
EMEE7014Building information modelling for E&M engineers
ENGG1002Computer programming and applications (PART 1)
ENGG1003Mathematics I
ENGG1004Mathematics IA
ENGG1005Mathematics IB
ENGG1006Engineering for sustainable development
ENGG1007Foundations of computer science
ENGG1007AFoundations of computer science
ENGG1007BFoundations of computer science
ENGG1008Electric circuits and digital logic
ENGG1009Industrial management and logistics
ENGG1010Foundations of engineering mechanics
ENGG1011Introduction to biomedical engineering
ENGG1013Computer programming and applications IA
ENGG1014Computer programming and applications IB
ENGG1015Introduction to electrical and electronic engineering
ENGG1018Introduction to mechanical engineering
ENGG1111Computer programming and applications
ENGG1112Computer programming and applications I
ENGG1200Engineering Physics
ENGG1201Engineering for sustainable development
ENGG1203Introduction to electrical and electronic engineering
ENGG1204Industrial Management and logistics
ENGG1205Introduction to mechanical engineering
ENGG1206Introduction to biomedical engineering
ENGG1207Foundations of biochemistry for medical engineering
ENGG1300Fundamental mechanics
ENGG1310Electricity and electronics
ENGG1330Computer programming I
ENGG1340Computer programming II
ENGG1350Thermofluid mechanics
ENGL1001Introduction to english linguistics 1
ENGL1002Introduction to english linguistics 2
ENGL1003Introduction to literary studies in english 1
ENGL1004Introduction to literary studies in english 2
ENGL1007Introduction to english studies i
ENGL1008Introduction to English studies II
ENGL1009Introduction to English studies
ENGL2001English sounds
ENGL2002Language in society
ENGL2003History of English
ENGL2004English syntax
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