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HKUL > Digital Initiatives > Exambase
Total number of hits starting with number 0 is 2810, and record(s) 101 to 150 are:  
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 0 to 9   
03248Special topic: the theme of initiation in Anglo-American and Chinese fiction
03250English literature from about 1670 to about 1795: Dryden to Blake
03251English literature from about 1795 to about 1900: Wordsworth to Hardy
03252Twentieth century English literature
03253American literature
03254English phonetics and phonology
03255English grammar and lexis
03256Linguistics 1
03257Linguistics 2
03259Experimental phonetics
03262Special topic: literature of the First World War
03264Critical analysis
03265Special topic: English as a second and foreign language
03267Special topic: marxism and literature
03269Contemporary English
03270Language study 1
03271Language study 2
03272Special topic: Franz Kafka
03278Special topic: modernism in comparative perspective
03279Poetry and criticism
03280English novel
03281Modern literature
03282Women in literature
03284Special topic: the theme of initiation in Anglo-American and Chinese fiction
03285English romantic writing
03289Language and languages: an introduction to general linguistics
03290English morphology and lexis
03291English syntax
03292English sounds
03293English prosody
03294English novel from Defoe to the Brontes
03295English novel from Dickens to Joyce
03296Phonetics and phonology
03298Reading literature
03301Introduction to phonetics and phonology
03302Introduction to the contrastive study of English and Chinese grammar
03303Introduction to morphology
03305Varieties of English
03306Shakespeare 1: introduction to Shakespeare
03307Shakespeare 2: an extensive study of Shakespeares works
03308Modern tragedy
03309Comic vision in modern drama
03310Language in society
03311Modern English and modern writing
03312Language and communication
03313Language in society
03314Language and social interaction
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